452m (1483ft)
The North Western Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England
You can find Graystones & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)
1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):
1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Maps (the ones with pink/magenta covers):
See Graystones and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:
See Graystones and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

*Walk & bag all 29 Wainwrights in The North Western Fells area of The Lake District in just 7 easy-to-follow circular walks.
*This version is marked with the walk routes you need to follow to Walk all 214 Wainwrights in just 59 walks. Click here for more information.
NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!
Not familiar with Graystones?
See the location of Graystones and both walks that climb it on an interactive Google Map
Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Graystones
David Higginbottom walked up Graystones on January 31st, 2025 [with] Carolyn [weather] Misty & cold - Nice walk , doing as missed when we did the loop by mistake
Chris Mcmanus climbed Graystones on April 26th, 2024 [from/via/route] Circular route [with] Joanne & Julie [weather] Sunny
Sarah Gunn bagged Graystones on March 31st, 2024 [from/via/route] Lord's Seat & Graystones from Whinlatter Forest Park [with] Martin Gunn - Missed out Barf
Mr M A Blanchard hiked Graystones on January 14th, 2024 [from/via/route] With all the mutts [with] Ted, Florence, Millie and Woodie [weather] Cold, bright
Clare Tait summited Graystones on October 25th, 2023 [from/via/route] Parked in a carpark on the Whinlatter pass road. Saw the wall up Graystones from the base & was rather concerned by the steepness. Began through the forest & followed the path to halfway up the wall. There are forestry operations going on. The ascent was extremely steep & I found it difficult (I'm not new to hill walking) I would not choose that route again. In addition on the return the bridge over one off the streams is out. I think I'd just go as an out & back from Lords Seat & Whinlatter visitor Centre if I knew better but hindsight is a wonderful thing. [with] Charlie [weather] Cloud & damp. - Our no 89 Wainwright & to be fair maybe the one that stops me doing any more.
Christine Shepherd conquered Graystones on July 31st, 2009 [from/via/route] Walked from Whinlatter Forest Park using walk c183. Climbed this again on 12.6.21 using the same route & again on 24.07.23. [with] On my own [weather] Cloudy, starting to rain. - I should have been going on to Whinlatter from here but the rain got heavier & as I had had a good day's walking I made my way down to the carpark & called it a day.
Geoff Hand scaled Graystones on July 13th, 2023 [from/via/route] WalkC183. Lords Seat & Greystones from Whinlatter Forrest Park. Set out from Whinlatter Forest Park via Combe Beck & Beckstone Plantation & then popped out onto the hill & upto Barf. From here we followed the ridge onto Lord's seat. We stopped & had a coffee & a protein bar. Tess had a chewy sick & then onto Broom Fell. Nice run across the moor.See below [with] Tess (Jack Russell) [weather] Windy day with high cloud & sunny intervals. - We dropped down from Broom & then climbed upto Greystones, skipping over a couple of other bumps on the way.
Rob Prikanowski walked up Graystones on June 5th, 2023 [from/via/route] c183 [weather] Sunny & warm.
Ian Ashton climbed Graystones on September 17th, 2022 [with] Jph
Paul Macey bagged Graystones on July 29th, 2022 [from/via/route] C183 [with] Luke [weather] Sunny intervals/high cloud
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Not familiar with Graystones?
See the location of Graystones and both walks that climb it on an interactive Google Map
More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Graystones

Looking down Lorton Vale from Graystones featuring Whiteside and Grasmoor (left - in mist) and Mellbreak (centre)

Vale of Lorton viewed from the lower southern slopes of Graystones above Darling How Plantation
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Graystones
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(Guide Resolution = 300dpi. At least = 660pixels (wide) x 440 pixels (high).)
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NB. Please indicate where each photo was taken.
Not familiar with Graystones?
See the location of Graystones and both walks that climb it on an interactive Google Map