Funny Who You Bump Into!
by John Goodwin, Dover
I walked Hadrians Wall over 5 days in April west to east.On day 3 I saw this man limping infront of me I caught up with him and asked if he minded some company,he said no and it turned out we were staying at the same B and B that night.
While we were walking we asked what we did for work,and I told him my second job is as a Labour Cllr,and he wasn't impressed,so we carried on walking me with Gordon.
We walked the next 3 days just a week before the National Election,when Gordon said something about his namesake,it hit me his name was Gordon Brown.
When we were walking along the Tyne at Newcastle on day 5,there were all these camera's there,I really felt like shouting to them I am a Labour Cllr and this is Gordon Brown,the funny thing is he was a UKIP supporter!
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